Finding a Mentor - The 12 point checklist
Extract from ‘Don’t Say I Never Told You’ Series 2
-A guide to life from a loving father to his millennial daughters
Only the foolish venture forward, without having a mentor supporting them, from behind the scenes. In business, many costly failures could have been averted if advice had been sought from a trusted and wise mentor. The key is the selection (and use) of your mentor/adviser and realizing that just because you have asked once, this does not preclude a second or third request for help. Jack Welch indicated that you should have a cluster of mentors, as one will never be enough. This checklist will help you find a mentor within your circle of contacts.
Understands the sector I am in
Has reached a senior position, not necessarily a CEO
Has had a broad career experience
Has a quick and incisive mind
A person who knows me quite well
A person I look up to and respect
Normally significantly older than you
Is well connected
Is well respected by others
Is well read
Is patient and tolerant
Is accessible and commits to making meeting dates